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Public services

Content dedicated to Public Services

Recommendations for cities and municipalities

Fibre networks are the networks of the future, helping to achieve the European connectivity goals. Towns and cities have an important role to play to stimulate the roll-out of such networks. For the operator concerned rolling out a fibre network means a once-only extensive investment project, ensuring connectivity for the inhabitants of your town or city for many years to come. In that sense this type of roll-out is different from (reparation) works in other utilities, which are usually carried out at very specific locations and not over such a big area.

Sharing fibre infrastructure

For a customer it may be interesting to have a choice between various providers for his broadband connection. An optical fibre network can be shared between different operators: to that end the operator who rolls out the optical fibre network has to grant other operators access to his network. Sometimes he is forced to do so (by the BIPT for instance), but the operator can also voluntarily conclude commercial contracts with other operators.

Regulation by the BIPT

The Belgian telecoms market is regulated, the BIPT being the regulatory body. The BIPT performs market analyses in which competition in the market is analysed. When there is insufficient competition, obligations can be imposed on dominant operators, such as the obligation to open up their networks to other operators.